International Conference on Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases(ICCMID - 2025) will be held in Linz,Austria. The Conference will be organized by Science and Research Forum.
The ICCMID conference is an international forum for the presentation of technological advances and research results in the fields of Science, Engineering and Technology. The conference will bring together leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world. We warmly welcome previous and prospected authors submit your new research papers to ICCMID, and share the valuable experiences with the scientist and scholars around the world.
All full paper submissions will also be peer-reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical and/or research content/depth, correctness, relevance to conference, contributions, and readability. The full paper submissions will be chosen based on technical merit, interest, applicability, and how well they fit a coherent and balanced technical program.
Submitted conference papers will be reviewed by technical committees of the Conference.
Important Notification: UGC and Scopus Indexed Journals: This International conference is Associated with UGC Care listed and Scopus Indexed International journals.
Publication opportunity:
The Full papers/Abstracts of all accepted papers will be published in the International Conference Proceeding Book with an ISBN Number.
Full papers will have publication opportunities in various Indexed International Journals, including Scopus, Web of Science, EI-Compendex, and many more, or as a Scopus Indexed Book Chapter (*T&C).
15th April 2025
23rd Apr, 2025
30th Apr, 2025
15th May 2025
Research Scholars
Industry Professionals(CEOs, CMOs, Vice-Presidents, Directors, GMs)
Practitioners (Brand Specialists, Head of Marketing)
Editorial Borad Members of Journals
PhD Scholars
MBA/Msc. Students
Government Officials
Technology Experts
Interact With Eminent International Speakers
Participate in Stimulating Case discussions
Join Special Interest Groups
Access New and Profound Research Ideas
Showcase your latest research findings through either the means of an oral or poster presentation
Connect with top industry experts at the conference
Avail opportunities to network and exchange ideas
Get inspired towards undertaking professional studies
Netwrok with like minded peers
Share you knowledge to enhance the growth of your field
Gain recongnition & earn a reputation
Make your presence felt at an epoch-defining makeing conference
The primary objective of the International Conference on Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ICCMID-2025) to be held from 15th May 2025 , Linz,Austria,
is to draw together academics and leading industry authorities in the areas of Logistic, Supply Chain and Business Management in a common forum, to help them remain at the forefront of their respective fields. The conference goes over the importance of being constantly alert, and keeping up with the most advanced inclinations, recognizing the most urgent challenges, and carrying out independent research.
This extraordinary conference will cover subjects as significant as policy guidelines, leadership in business management, inductive thinking, and lots more. This event is bound to be an engaging conference which will cover the latest trends in the fields of logistics and business management, as well as the most effective ways of addressing typical challenges.
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